Qassim Cement Company Announces the Results of the Forty-Eighth ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting)

Qassim Cement Company Announces the Results of the Forty-Eighth ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting)


Qassim Cement Company held the Forty-Eighth ordinary general assembly meeting at 18:30 on Wednesday 20 Shaban 1443 (H) corresponding to 23 March 2022.

City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting:
By using modern technology means from the company's headquarter in Buraidah.

Date of the General Assembly's Meeting:
2022-03-23 Corresponding to 1443-08-20.

Time of the General Assembly's Meeting:

Percentage of Attending Shareholders:
46.47 %

Names of the Board of Directors' Members Present at the General Assembly's Meeting and Names of the Absentees:
The Forty-Eighth ordinary General Assembly was held in the presence of all the board members as follows:

Dr. Muhammad bin Nasser Al Dawood (Chairman of the Board of Directors).
Eng. Muteb bin Mohammed Al Shathri (Vice Chairman)
Eng. Omar bin Abdullah Al-Omar (CEO).
Mr. Saad bin Ibrahim Al-Mashouh.
Mr. Abdulrahman bin Mohamed Al Rawwaf.
Eng. Ahmed bin Saleh Al Sultan.
Mr. Osama bin Nasser Al Saif.
Mr. Tariq bin Khalid Al Marshoud.
Dr. Ghazi bin Abdulrahim Al Rawi.

Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly's Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf:

Dr. Muhammad bin Nasser Al Dawood (Chairman & Executive Committee Chair).
Mr. Saad bin Ibrahim Al-Mashouh (Audit Committee Chair).
Mr. Abdulrahman bin Mohamed Al Rawwaf (Nomination and Remuneration Committee Chair).

Voting Results on the Items of the General Assembly's Meeting Agenda's:
1) Approval of the Board of Directors annual report for the year ended 31-12-2021.
2) Approval of the company's auditor's report for the year ended 31-12-2021.
3) Approval of the financial statements for the year ended on 31-12-2021.
4) Approve the appointment of KPMG Professional Services as the company’s auditor from among the candidates based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, to perform review and audit the financial statements for the second & third quarters, and the annual of the fiscal year 2022 and the first quarter of the fiscal year 2023, and determining their fees.
5) Approve the decision of the Board of Directors regarding the dividends that have been distributed to shareholders amounted of 315 million SAR, represents (3.50) SAR per share for the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2021.
6) Approve on absolving the members of the Board of Directors from liability for the year ending 31-12-2021.
7) Approval of the payment of an amount of (SAR 2,824,110), as remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ending on 31-12-2021.
8) Approve on delegating the Board of Directors to declare interim dividends on a quarterly basis for the year 2022.

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Qassim Cement Company is a Saudi Joint Stock company, established in accordance with the Royal Decree No. M/62 on 15 Shaban, 1396H. (August 11, 1976) and registered in Buraydah City under commercial registration number 1131001224 on 28 Shaban, 1398 (August 2, 1978). On 4 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH (June 10, 2024), Qassim Cement Company announced the completion of the acquisition of Hail Cement Company (HCC) by increasing its capital through the issuance of new shares to Hail Cement Company shareholders.

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Qassim Cement Co.| Building No: 4266 | Unit Number: 1 | Buraidah: 52271 - 6735 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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