Finishing Cement (FC-LSC)
Finishing Cement (FC-LSC)

Finishing Cement is a key product of Qassim Cement introduced in the year 2003 after a number of studies and experiments which proved it to be appropriate for various purposes like finishing jobs, plaster, masonry, tile works and flooring.

Finishing Cement complies with the Saudi Standard SASO – ASTM C91/2018

Some of the features of Finishing Cement which make it most appropriate for special applications is as below

-          Excellent workability, due to its easy flow behavior.

-          Lesser Cracks & Crevices due to low “Heat of Hydration”.

-          It has long setting time as one of the major features which helps during application.

-          Reduced or no efflorescence due to low diffusivity.

-          Less consumption of Paints due to fineness in nature.

-          Smooth surface while plastering.


Recommended to be used for all type of finishing jobs because of its fineness, better smoothness and extended flexibility in mixture and application.

Usage Examples

-          All types of Finishing and Plastering jobs.

-          Tiling and Masonry.

-          Tiles and Bricks manufacturing.

-          Floor Plaster and Screeding.

Caution: It is forbidden to use this product in structural works, concrete flooring and pipe manufacturing.

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Qassim Cement Company is a Saudi Joint Stock company, established in accordance with the Royal Decree No. M/62 on 15 Shaban, 1396H. (August 11, 1976) and registered in Buraydah City under commercial registration number 1131001224 on 28 Shaban, 1398 (August 2, 1978). On 4 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH (June 10, 2024), Qassim Cement Company announced the completion of the acquisition of Hail Cement Company (HCC) by increasing its capital through the issuance of new shares to Hail Cement Company shareholders.

Contact Us

Qassim Cement Co.| Building No: 4266 | Unit Number: 1 | Buraidah: 52271 - 6735 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Phone : (+966) 16 316-5555

Fax : (+966) 16 381-6041

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