Qassim Cement Company continues to deliver strong financial results with steady growth prospect. We believe we are well positioned among others creating best possible value for our shareholders.
QCC aims to maximize shareholders value and earning trust of society. Our objective is to provide a fair and prompt disclosure of information regarding the financial performance and related matters.
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Qassim Cement Company is a Saudi Joint Stock company, established in accordance with the Royal Decree No. M/62 on 15 Shaban, 1396H. (August 11, 1976) and registered in Buraydah City under commercial registration number 1131001224 on 28 Shaban, 1398 (August 2, 1978). On 4 of Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH (June 10, 2024), Qassim Cement Company announced the completion of the acquisition of Hail Cement Company (HCC) by increasing its capital through the issuance of new shares to Hail Cement Company shareholders.
Qassim Cement Co.| Building No: 4266 | Unit Number: 1 | Buraidah: 52271 - 6735 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone : (+966) 16 316-5555
Fax : (+966) 16 381-6041
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